Burlingame, CA Burn and Scar Injuries Attorney

Fire in a village

Experienced Legal Representation for Burn Injury Victims in the San Francisco Bay Area

Burn injuries necessitate unique medical treatment and can require special legal considerations. A burn injury can occur through a variety of circumstances. For example, using a defective product, especially one which creates heat or uses electricity, can result in unexpected consequences causing burning even if the victim was using the product as it was intended. Airbags can cause burn injuries because they use chemicals which are harmful when they come in direct contact with an occupant's skin. Faulty wiring in a house or apartment building can lead to bad burns. Any fire or explosion as a result of someone else's negligence can cause third degree burns which are the most severe. If enough of the body is affected the victim will require hospitalization. Often initial medical treatment involves bandages, ointment, and keeping the area from direct sunlight. While measures provided by health care professionals should be taken, there is often nothing more that can be done in the acute phase. It will take some time to determine whether there will be permanent residual effects to the skin. Often there can be a change in pigmentation even after the burn area has fully healed. It is important to take pictures periodically to document not only the initial burn injury but the progress of healing. Whether plastic surgery would be beneficial can usually not be determined until after at least a six month period. Then, depending on the burn victim's insurance, it may be necessary to obtain a report from a plastic surgeon outlining not only the medical necessity of such a procedure but also the expected costs and residuals. In some cases it may be important to have the procedure before resolving the case so the success can be assessed and any permanent affects can be ascertained. This path can be very time consuming and legal deadlines must be considered. In general, it is important not to address settlement of the case until the information necessary to properly and fully assess the burn victim's damages is obtained.

Scar Injuries

Scar injuries involve many of the same issues both medically and legally as burn injuries. Scar injuries occur in a variety of ways caused by someone else's negligence. Shattered glass from an automobile collision can lead to scars on a person's face or arms. Motorcyclists can suffer road rash despite wearing protective leather clothing. Dog bites can result in scars to arms or legs. A trip and fall can cause contact with sharp objects. Acute medical care falls under treatment for lacerations often with cleaning, antiseptics, and bandaging. The severity of the scar injury will often depend on the type of scar. For example, a keloid or hypertrophic scar may have longer lasting residuals. It is important to take pictures periodically to document not only the initial scar but the progress of healing. Often the scar victim needs to wait at least six months before assessing whether plastic surgery would likely improve their appearance. Then a choice must be made to either obtain a report regarding the medical necessity, costs and expected result or, if possible financially, to actually have the procedure first. This path can be very time consuming and legal deadlines must be considered. These cases can require special legal considerations as future damages, both medical expenses and permanent disfigurement, must be ascertained and assessed.

If you are the victim of a burn or scar injury, take the steps in order to receive the compensation you deserve. Contact Mr. Shapiro today by calling 650-274-0180 or fill out the online form for a free consultation

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